Seminars and Events

The HRC is hosting a regular (virtual) seminar series during the academic year (on the last month of each month at 9 AM). The center also plans to host a scientific meeting in Spring 2021 (details TBA). We invite all interested individuals to attend these events. Please RSVP to so that we can be sure to send you the Zoom link.

Hearing Research Center Seminars 2020-2021

Dates Presenter Topic/Abstract
9/25/2020 S. Nittrouer Why a Hearing Research Center and Why You Should Participate
10/26/2020 M. Masapollo Who’s talking now? Infants’ perception of speech with infant vocal properties
11/30/2020 Dan H. Sanes (NYU) How Early Hearing Loss Impairs Brain Development and Auditory Processing
12/21/2020 S. Sheffield Perceptual signal and cue integration in individuals with cochlear implants
2/22/2021 Y. Oh Interaction between voice characteristics and spatial separation in speech perception in noise
3/29/2021 J.Bird Development of mechanosensitive hairs in the cochlea
4/26/2021 S Someya Cochlear detoxification: Role of alpha class glutathione transferases in protection against oxidative lipid damage and ototoxicity
5/31/2021 J. Lowenstein Speech Production in Deaf Children: Past and Future
6/28/2021 TBA TBA